How to Run the LabSSH Demo Application
LabSSH includes a demo application which showcases all the capabilities of the toolkit.
1. Navigate to Demo Folder
Find the folder where the demo app resides.
This can be done in two ways:
1.2 Navigate to Demo App Directly
Alternatively, you may navigate directly to the example folder using Windows Explorer. The location is
<vi.lib>\Labwerx\labSSH\Examples, where <vi.lib> refers to the vi.lib LabVIEW installation
folder, e.g.
C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2017\vi.lib
2. Open labSSH
The main demo application is labSSH Open this and run the VI.
3. Using the Demo Application
Each control within the demo application is documented within the LabVIEW context help system.
To open the LabVIEW context help window, press <Ctrl-H>. Then, you’ll be able to hover over any control
in the application to learn more about it.